Bicycles and Plants

I love a lot of things in this world. I can’t even go into them without having a cliche-fest. Unexpected hugs, kisses, and I-Love-Yous- from my preschooler. The smell of my dog’s paws. The genuine uncontrollable laugh of my partner. The sound of a sizzling pan in the stove. Scalding hot showers. The cold side of the pillow. The first few sips of coffee in the morning.  Feeling damp soil on my fingers. But more relevant to this blog: plants … and bicycles. Plants, any type, pretty flowers, or flowerless but colorful and unusual leaves, edibles, indoor plants, decorative, succulents… I have not found a plant I did not like. And bicycles. Riding them, of course, as transportation (I no longer ride the ivys since I left my life of anti-hero) but also looking at them, decorating them, as functional past and present and future, and as symbols of our identity. I love my bicycle, and I love to look at other people ride their bicycles. And more than anything, I love bicycles and plants… together.

Because in Gotham City, having a car is a luxury and in some ways a pain, I do not have one. I leave it to the Bruce Wayne’s of the city. I prefer to power my transportation with plants. (Because I only eat plants. My riding is powered by plants :) It’s better for the environment, better for my health, and better for my heart.

So, I ride to the garden center for supplies, and I carry those supplies home. A bicycle over flowing with plants makes my heart content. Last trip to the garden center I made out with marigolds, strawberries, a couple of pots. I carried a lot of the stuff in my backpack, and the plants sat in my son’s seat.  Next time you have to pick up some supplies. Take your bike! Make your heart sing!
